About Israeli Krav Maga Burlington

About Israeli Krav Maga's Approach To Dealing With Violence

Introductory Krav Maga Seminars

About Krav Maga Burlington Effective self-defense relies upon three things: simple techniques, an aggressive mindset and physical fitness. Israeli Krav Maga. Develops all three. For a technique to work in a violent confrontation, it must be simple and straightforward to perform, and work when a person is fatigued and under duress i.e., when they are in a physically sub-optimal state. Whilst traditional martial arts, will try and present their practitioners performing techniques in a state of Zen meditation, in a real-life confrontation, this is not realistic. Most people when they are assaulted will experience extreme fear, and this adrenalized/emotional state needs to be utilized, by turning fear into aggression, and switching from prey-mode (flight) to predator-mode (fight). Israeli Krav Maga teaches you to do this, and how to channel your aggression, into its techniques. The third component that improves your survival chances is your physical fitness. After the effects of adrenaline have worn off, your body goes into recovery mode, and your physical abilities drop below your base fitness-level. The higher this is the more gas in your tanks you will have to power your striking, punching, and kicking etc. Part of our training is to develop this specific “combat fitness” (Cosher Kravi). At Krav Maga Yashir we recognize the importance of all of these components and teach and train how to develop them. Head Instructor has been training and teaching Krav Maga since 1993 and has a proven track-record of developing individuals who have the skills, knowledge and understanding to deal with real-life violence.

About Krav Maga Burlington Massachusetts Krav Maga’s “simple” techniques are based on instinctive movements that we perform naturally when assaulted e.g., we flinch bringing our arms up when we detect fast-movements, if we are strangled or choked, we instinctively bring our hands up to try and pull away the arm or hands, which are preventing us from breathing etc. Krav Maga is about what you will do, and how you will respond when attacked, rather than what you might want, think, or try to do etc. This is why it is a system that is much faster to learn and be effective than other martial arts and self-defense system. Whilst many people have lost touch with their survival instinct, this is something that it is possible to reconnect with, and our training is designed to accomplish this. Whilst are classes will give you a good workout, they will do so in a way that is more enjoyable and interesting than simply clocking up miles on a treadmill etc. If you are looking for a fun and productive workout, whilst learning to defend yourself our training methods will accomplish this.

The best way to experience Israeli Krav Maga firsthand, and gain an understanding of how the system works, and the approach it takes to dealing with real-world aggression and violence is to take one of our Introductory seminars. You can learn more about these, upcoming dates and how to book a place by using the button below.


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Krav Maga Yashir
165-E New Boston St
Woburn, MA 01801