Teaching Authntic Israeli Krav Maga Less Than 10-Minutes From The Center Of Burlington


Head Instructor 5th Degree Black Belt & 2010 Inductee to the Museum of Israeli Martial Arts (Herzliya, Israel)


Krav Maga That Comes Direct From Israel


Teaching Authentic Israeli Krav Maga Direct From The Source

About Our Krav Maga School

Krav Maga Burlington Teaching Escapes From Controls Welcome to Krav Maga Yashir, we are located less than a 10-minute drive from the center of Burlington, MA. If you are looking to learn reality-based self-defense to protect yourself and your family, you are going to want to train in a system that has been proven to be effective at dealing with violence, and with an instructor who has experience dealing with violent individuals. Our school teaches authentic Israeli Krav Maga, that has proven its effectiveness in one of the toughest, most violent environments on the planet, and our Head Instructor, Gershon Ben Keren, has over thirty years working in the security industry, with a long history of working pub, bar, and door security in the UK; where dealing with knife and weapon threats/attacks were common place. If you are looking to improve your safety and security and be able to deal with committed, violent aggressors, who intend to cause you harm you want to train in the knowledge, that what you are being taught, will work if it is ever put to the test.

Krav Maga is not a martial art per se, but a system of survival, that is used by the IDF (Israeli Defense Force), to train its members in hand-to-hand/close combat. It has proven over the 80-years to be effective at dealing with both unarmed and armed attacks, by violent committed assailants. Based on natural and instinctive movements, its techniques and solutions, work under the extreme psychological and emotional pressure of a violent assault. Real-life assaults happen quickly and at short-range, making it difficult to use traditional martial arts, and even combat sports techniques and strategies. In an MMA or boxing match both participants are prepared and start the match/contest at distance. Real-life encounters are non-voluntary affairs, that usually start nose-to-nose, without a referee signaling when the fight will begin. To deal with real-life violence, you have to train in scenarios and situations that replicate reality.

If you are interested in experiencing authentic Israeli Krav Maga, with a 5th Degree Black Belt, who has trained and taught in Israel, and where he received his teaching certifications from, sign up for one of our 90-minute introductory Krav Maga seminars using the button below.


Our school is located less than 10 Minutes wway from the center of Burlington, MA, along I-95 North.

Krav Maga Books By Gershon Ben Keren

In 2012, Gershon Ben Jeren, was approached by Tuttle Publishing, to write their first book on Krav Maga. Their commissioning editor had begun reading, Gershon's Weekly Krav Maga Blog, and wanted to put the information and knowledge he was sharing into print. So far, Gershon has written three books on Krav Maga with them (all shot in full color, and in the actual locations where violence takes place).

Real World Solutions To Violence

Not all violence is the same, some incidents are planned and premeditated, whilst other occur "spontaneously" due to conflict that result from social interactions. The material in this book, focuses on the former, looking at violent acts such as street robberies and abductions etc. As well as providing detailed physical techniques demonstrating solutions to a variety of unarmed and armed assault, the book also looks at the processes that violent offenders use, to select and gain access to those they victimize.

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Real World Solutions To Violence

Miki Assulin (One of Imi Lichtenfeld's first ten black belts, and member of his inner circle), wrote the forward for Gershon's Second Book on Krav Maga. This focused on violence that occurs from social conflicts and disputes, sometimes referred to as spontaneous or social violence. In the book Gershon explains and details methods of verbal de-escalation that he uses when dealing - in a professional capacity - with individuals who are emotionally volatile, angry and aggressive and looking to become physically violent. .

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Real World Solutions To Violence

Certain types of violence may not be common but potentially result in more serious consequences. In the US Car-jackings, Home Invasions and Active Shooter incidents are still statistically rare. However these events aren't limited to a certain section of the population, and everybody can be targeted with these forms of violence. Gershon details in print/hotographs, the Israeli solutions to Active Shooter incidents. Tactics and solutions that proved so successful that Hamas has to abandon this terrorisy tactic.

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Our Krav Maga Programs

Our Krav Maga classes and programs are taught by 5th Degree Black Belt, Gershon Ben Keren, who has been training in Krav Maga since 1993. He is a 2010 inductee into the Museum of Israeli Martial Arts in Herliya, Israel and regularly returns there to train.

Adult Krav Maga Programs

Israeli Krav Maga Burlington Classes Krav Maga, meaning "Contact Combat" is Hebrew is the term the IDF (Israeli Defense Forces) use to refer to their unarmed/close combat systems. Krav Maga is a comprehensive martial art/self-defense system that teaches you how to deal with a variety of attacks and assaults, that may or may not involve weapons (knife, gun, stick etc...) and which may be carried out by one or more assailants. The system teaches all of its defenses from a state of unpreparedness and never makes the assumption that you are athletically superior to your attacker(s) e.g. you're stronger, faster etc. The underlying goal of Krav Maga training is to get an untrained person "Combat Ready" in the shortest possible time. This is achieved by using instinctive reactions, and natural movements, rather than forcing a person to respond to an attack in an "artificial" manner.

Our Krav Maga program is taught and run by Gershon Ben Keren, a 5th Degree Black Belt, who was trained, tested and certified in Israel. He has been training in Krav Maga since 1993, and teaches that, which is taught in Israel, regularly returning, and training with IDF members to make sure that the Krav Maga taught in the school is the most up-to-date and modern approach to reality based self-defense. If you would like to find out first-hand why our approach to self-defense training is so effective, you can sign up for one of our introductory Krav Maga seminars using the button below.

Kids & Teens Krav Maga

Israeli Krav Maga Burlington Kids and Teens Classes Our Kids and Teens Krav Maga program runs throughout the school year on Saturday mornings between 10:15 and 11:00 AM. The program is broken down into three semesters of 10-weeks. Classes are suitable for children and teens between the ages of 5 and 17 - although the classes run at the same time the class is structured so that kids and teens of the same age get to train together. This isn't just because of differences in size and strength etc., but because different age groups experience aggression and violence differently.We don't just teach physical solutions to dealing with aggression and bullying etc., we also teach verbal de-scalation and violence avoidance etc.

Our classes focus not only on age-appropriate personal safety and self-defense but also on improving psychological, emotional and physical well-being. Classes are taught in a fun and enjoyable manner, with an emphasis on productive learning. Training is conducted in a co-operative non-competitive manner, with each student progressing at their own pace. This doesn't mean that we don't value improvement but rather that we understand this can't be forced, and we would rather help individuals realize their own potential, and become motivated to improve. If you would like to learn more about our Kids and Teens Krav Maga program, please click the button below.

Women's Self-Defense

Women's Self-Defense Burlington, Massachusetts We have been teaching our free women's self-defense program since 2010, and have created a virtual training platform that accompanies it. This can be accessed by clicking here. Our program as well as teaching physical self-defense techniques and solutions, also looks at ways in which it is possible to predict, identify and avoid violence before it occurs. Our program looks at the victimology of women targeted for violence, and how to act and present, in a way that means you don't appear on a predator's radar.

Our program is evidentially and research based i.e., we don't promote "good" or "well-intentioned" but unfounded, ideas and tactics, and instead base what we teach on established facts from those who work in areas, where violence against women is experienced. Rather than stick with simplistic, but statistically unlikely scenarios, such as rape and sexual assaults, committed by strangers in public places (we do include this in our program), we deal with the more uncomfortable, and socially awkward assaults that are committed by predatory individuals the target knows, in their home or somebody else's etc. We also teach the use of OC/Pepper spray, and how to diffuse and de-escalate potentially dangerous situations. To get a better idea of our program's content and structure please use the button below.